Jessie is badass. She is underestimated, that's for sure. She can totally hold her own. She has a mouth on her and she refuses to be ordered around by anyone. She marches to beat of her own drum and I love that because I can completely relate to that.
I love Justice but I feel so sorry for him. He carries way too much weight on those shoulders of his. He has to since he's the leader of his race. But it made me sad when his responsibly to his people and their safety threatened his relationship with Jessie.
What I did love about this was that the angst and drama between the couple wasn't because of a misunderstanding. This couple actually communicated and anyone who is a romance reader knows that's a rare thing sometimes.
I also loved the fact that this wasn't focused around the hate groups run by humans and there wasn't as much violence in this which was such a breath of fresh air. This was more focused around the couple and the struggle they faced in their relationship with each other.
Special mention deserves to go to Breeze. She was so epically awesome in this one, that mastermind that she is. She totally deserves her own mate. I'm curious if she will get her own book and even if she doesn't, if she will get her own happy ever after as a secondary character? And more importantly, will she be mated with a human or her own species?
Too many questions! I guess we will just have to wait and see.