There was so many humorous moments. A lot of action considering our beloved boys are again trying to be killed. Julian and Cameron were so very sweet and such a contrast. Julian is the alpha male, I couldn't describe him better than that. But Cameron is so sweet, sensitive and kind hearted.
I'm aware that these two are actually characters from the book Warriors Cross which I have yet to read but after reading about them in this, I definitely want to get to know them better and find out about their relationship from the beginning.
Ty and Zane were just amazing, finally freely admitting to each other their love. You could see how far they have come since the first book. They are so much more confident within their relationship. The love scenes were so passionate and loving.... And hot! Damn, I have one scene in mind. All I'm saying is Zane could have a career in becoming a cowboy, that boy can ride.
I should really talk about Nick. I want to hate him. But like Zane, I can't. I still think Ty should not have said anything about liking. It because zi mean, really Zane didn't need to know it. But I guess I shoulsnt complain because that's the way Ty is. He is brutally honest, whether you want to hear the truth or not. Now Nick is a likeable guy but without him, we wouldn't have been subjected to some very important information about Ty's past.
I was so engrossed when Nick was retelling Zane about his and Ty's experience together in the past. So very saddening. It so very important because it was an another part of Ty's past that was revealed.
I just want to shake Ty and Zane and demand for them to be completely open about each others pasts. There are so many secrets or even just unrevealed information between them, but since there are to be still more books in the series, I guess everything will gradually be revealed.
I'm only fearful of one thing... When will the Bureau find out about their relationship and what will they do about it? I guess time will tell.
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