My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was in the mood for a sweet m/m romance that is light on angst, a bit steamy and just something that would put a smile on my face, and that's exactly what I got when I read this book.
Brandon was adorable! He's shy, an introvert, thoughtful, a bit withdrawn into his own shell and he's just an all round sweetheart. He was a nerd in school and I just fell in love with him straight away. I ache to have a Brandon for myself.
Jake captured my heart right along with Brandon. He's more broody and has always been popular. But as soon as he and Brandon became lovers, he became this sweet and affectionate man who I wanted to shower me with attention!
I have never been interested in sport so I know next to nothing about it so I didn't entirely understand the baseball terms and stuff but I didn't care. I didn't read this for the sport aspect or the plot, I read this because I wanted an adorable romance between two men that makes my heart sing and sex scenes that make me squirm.
The POV jump between Jake and Brandon was confusing at times but it didn't take anything away from this uncomplicated love story.
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