My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a great book, I really enjoyed it! A lot of people said this was one of the best books in the series. I don't really have a favourite in this series so far but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying reading this series.
The hero and heroine were great. Lachlan is so misunderstood. He's considered a snake with no morals who would do anything for money. But it's so not true and that become blatantly clear over the course of this book. He's actually really thoughtful and it warmed my heart at a lot of the things he did for Bella and even for his men.
I liked Bella as well. She's an incredibly strong character and she's a survivor. I felt sorry for her in the way that all men objectify and see her as nothing more than a pretty face with a hot body. It was getting ridiculous at times how many male characters in this all seemed to paint her as some sort of goddess of sex or something.
Sometimes it gets tiring when the hero and heroine spend a lot of the book denying their feelings for one another. But at least they managed to work things out sooner than the Arthur and Anna did in the last book.
There was a lot of chopping and changing in regards to the time in this series. There was a lot of flash forwards and then flashbacks. Quite a long time passed over this book.
I missed the camaraderie in this because Viper is considered to be a snake. But it was nice to slowly finally make Lachlan see that these men in the Highland Guard are friends, whether they know it or not.
The epilogue though... I'm wondering who Joan ended up with. The identity of the guy was deliberately left out but I have a feeling I know who it is and I'm hoping I'm right. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
However much I'm enjoying this series, I think I'll put this series aside. I want to read a series that I can't get enough of.
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