My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is probably my favourite in this series so far! I loved it!
I thought Ainsley was a great heroine. We met her in the last book and I was glad when I realised she would be paired with Cameron.
I loved Cameron as a hero. In this series so far, he's portrayed to be an alcoholic and womaniser who has a teenage son and was in a bad marriage that ended badly but we didn't really get all the details until this book. My heart broke for Cameron and what he had to put up with in his past during his marriage to his first wife. I was shocked at all the things that were revealed and it just made me want to protect from his sick sadistic bitch of a wife.
I loved the way Cameron and Ainsley met and I loved the way they reunited six years later. I loved the way Cameron longed for Ainsley. and I loved the role Daniel, Cameron's son, played in this. It warmed my heart watching at how much Cameron grew and developed in this book, at how he managed to combat his demons and be a husband to a wife who actually loves him and cares for him.
I thought Ainsley and Cameron's story was beautiful and I loved that there was no huge drama or misunderstandings. It was about them, building a relationship, learning to trust and love each other, and triumph any obstacles that arise within their relationship. The ending left me with a huge smile on my face.
The glimpse we got to see of Hart and Eleanor in this left me wanting more of them. I can't wait to read their story!
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