My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was such a fantastic book. I don't know why I have had it on my TBR list for so long and only just read it.
I know a lot of people have a problem with the whole concept of insta-love but it so worked in this book. First of all, Kiernan is absolutely adorable. He was funny, sweet, and exactly what Matt needed. It's Kiernan's character that was the source of humour and created a more light hearted atmosphere for in the reader in the midst of the mystery and suspense. I really loved Matt as well. He's protective, compassionate, and deserved to have another chance at love in his life.
Though Matt and Kiernan only know each other a couple of days, their connection was tangible and they really got to know each other in the time they spent. It gave the reader a chance to really see these two men for who they really are.
The writing was fantastic. The plot was gripping and full of mystery and suspense as we are taken on a journey to discover who killed Abby. The murderer in this story wasn't predictable at all which is excellent because it keeps the reading guessing not only who was the murderer but also why the murdered killed the six year old child for.
I loved the scenes between Kiernan and Matt, particularly the sensual and sexy scenes. Their first kiss made me melt. I loved Matt's hesitancy, it was so sweet and I could feel the anticipation. The loves scenes were filled with passion and heat. I loved it.
The ending was slightly abrupt. I wanted more Kiernan and Matt. I wanted to see more of their relationship now that the murder has been solved. There were a lot of unanswered questions. So I guess either readers will need to satisfied that they can use their imagination about what happened after this book or maybe we will get another book, or novella even, in the future. I know I would definitely read it if there was one.
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