My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the third installment in the Ghostwalkers series and without a doubt my favourite so far. There is so much I can say about this book. There were so many sexy moments, swoony moments, emotional moments that made me want to cry at times, laugh at times, and smile at times.
I loved Raoul 'Gator' Fontenot. He completely captured my heart. I was enamoured by him. In the previous books, we see him as a smooth-talking charmer who is easy on the eyes, flirty, laid back and completely at ease. But he is so much deeper than that, there is so much more to him. We got to see that in this book. He's powerful, fierce, deadly. He keeps his darker side of him masked. But Flame saw a different side, as did we. He's a prime example of an alpha - protective, possessive, tender. Flame brought all that outside of him.
I loved that even though Flame every protective and possessive instinct out of him when it comes to her, he saw that how powerful and capable she is, he saw the warrior inside her and he treated her as a equal. It was evident in the role she played throughout the missions they completed in this book.
Flame was a lovely heroine. She may seem strong, powerful, confident and unselfconscious. Although she is capable, she experiences uncertainty and insecurity throughout this book. She's never had a family. She has been a lab rat her entire life, she's been indirectly monitored and observed. She's never really known happiness in her life. She fails to trust people which is totally understandable when you realise the life she's been forced to live.
My heart hurt towards the end. The betrayal she felt made my heart hurt but I couldn't fault Gator because he did what he had to do to ensure she wouldn't die, knowing he may potentially be sacrificing their relationship for her health. The end of this book was so incredibly beautiful. He loves her wholly, the changes in her physical appearance didn't matter to him one bit. Those of you who have read know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm being as vague as I can for those who have not read yet.
The conspiracies that were revealed in this created a whole lot of drama, mystery and suspense. This book completely turned the tables. I love this new potential twist. I understand why the title of each book has the word 'game' in it because it feels like the character's in this series are trapped in a game. A game that may have been orchestrated by a monster of a man. Or maybe it's another completely different monster? Who knows. This is where the mystery kicks in and us readers are now forced to keep reading to see what will unfold and be revealed in the future.
So excited for Kaden's story. I've always been interested in him since we met him in the first book. I can't wait to get inside his head. But next up is Jack Norton's book, who was described as deadly and lethal as can be. I'm definitely looking forward to his story.
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