My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It was so good to read about yet another member of Team One getting their own happiness with a woman. I love all of the teams but Team One holds a special place because they were the first team we were introduced to in this series. Quite a few of the man have found their women but there are still a few more members whose story I want to read in Team One.
Azami, or Thorn if you'd rather call her that, is an awesome heroine. I believe her character in this set the pace for this story and created a completely different feel to it. Azami is very peaceful, calm, and tranquil. The way her samurai father taught her. Yet she is deadly. I think the most deadly out of all the GW women because no one ever sees her coming and she can kill without barely being noticed. So epic!
I loved Sam. He's strong, completely devoted to his team and always gets the job done. I loved the fact that he didn't want to control Azami. Sure, he wanted to protect her but she also wanted to protect him. From the start, he was confident in her ability to defend herself and protect those around her. I thought it was sweet that he loved the warrior in her. He didn't want a submissive woman who he could control. He wanted someone independent, capable and decisive. It was so refreshing to have a hero like that.
The romance was a slow build but it was an insta-love which I know a lot of people aren't fans of but I think it worked because it wasn't always the case of insta-love in the previous books so it's not like CF didn't use recycled material. The action in this was pretty intense and balanced well with the romance element. I loved the fact we got the chance to revisit a lot of the secondary characters in not only Team One but also members in Team Two.
I don't know when the next book will be released but I hope it's very soon. I don't know whose book it will be next, or how many books CF is planning to write in this series, but I so badly hope that all of the GW's in the four teams will get their own books.
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