My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Reading m/m is a huge breath of fresh air after quite a long period of reading f/m.
This story is... Perfect. It's an emotional roller coaster and it evokes such depth of raw emotions. The prose is just so beautiful and this story had be captivated as soon as I started reading the first page. I love how we got the background of Marcus and Thomas' relationship, how it started etc, through flashbacks. It was done perfectly and not at all confusing when the reader is reading outside the present.
I loved Thomas, his submissive tendencies, how quiet and shy he is, how big his heart is, yet the fact that he is a man made of steel, capable of taking care of himself and others around him. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders because he believes its his duty to his family. My heart broke for him.
But it was Marcus who had my heart, utterly and completely. He has so much armour, preventing himself from ever putting himself in a vulnerable position, which we understand why after slowly discovering his heartbreaking past. Those moments when we got to read his point of view, get into his head, we saw the intensity of the love he feels for Thomas and his fear and resentment at the fact that he knew he wouldn't be able to keep Thomas at the end of the week. I just wanted to cuddle Marcus, protect him from everything and never let him go.
Did I mention the boy has a way with words? Because he does.
"You’re mine, Thomas. You’ve been mine from the beginning. If you let any other man touch you, I’d kill him.”
See, I told you. And there's plenty more where that came from.
The beauty of this story astounded me and I never wanted it to end. I don't want to give too much of this story away because you need to experience the beauty of it yourself.
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