Thursday 19 July 2012

Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor #1) - Jill Shalvis

Why haven't I read this series earlier?! If any of you haven't reading this series yet, start now. No, seriously, start reading right now. You will not regret it.

I am an awe. This was exactly what I needed. This book was romantic, sexy, humorous, there was drama, there was just the right amount of angst. Did I mention Jax is a total hottie who is buff and has tattoos? I really liked the heroine as well. Maddie is known as 'The Mouse' of the there sisters. She's a sweetheart and my heart breaks for her from what she had to endure in her last relationship but it was so heartwarming to see her find a sweet and tender man who is so in love with her and would never even dream of hurting her. Oh, look at me, I'm such a sap.

I seriously need to move to a little town like Lucky Harbour because it is just packed with hot guys, very hot guys. Although, as most small towns, everyone knows everyone's business so maybe instead of moving to Lucky Harbour, I'll just pass through and enjoy the view. *winks*

I like Jill Shalvis' style of writing. It flows, it's easy to read, easy to follow, it's engaging and written in a way that there aren't too many details and it isn't too descriptive.

To sum up my feelings about this book, I swooned and I swooned and I swooned. Enough said.

Can't wait to read Tara's story up next!


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