All I've seen lately is everyone repeatedly talking about Ty and Zane, Zane and Ty, how much people love them, how funny they are, how hot they are... While I was sitting here thinking to myself 'who the hell is Ty and Zane? And why does everyone keep talking about them?'
When I finally realised which series they were from, I'll admit I was apprehensive about reading m/m. The only reason being because I had never in my life read m/m before. (Unless you count Blay and Qhuinn)
My apprehension was so not needed. I love love love Ty and Zane. I wish I could shout my love for these two very delicious men from the rooftops. I swooned, I melted and I had butterflies in my stomach from the scenes between these two men. The writing of this novel is so simple, realistic and tender. Any of the love scenes were written in no way tacky like many authors seem to write their love scenes. It was written so simplistically and might I add, so hotly. Rawr, baby, rawr.
I swear every time they kissed each others lips or each others necks, I died from the utter sweetness. It killed me, every single time. I found myself reading those parts multiple times because I wanted to prolong the sweet and tender moments between them.
When trying to figure out who the killer was, I guessed who it was but then I thought to myself 'no the authors wouldn't make him a killer because he keeps showing up and it's too obvious for that character to be the killer.' it turns out the authors chose the killer as the most obvious character so it turns out it was predictable and I was right from the beginning.
But let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the fact that Ty and Zane are the realist characters I've read in a very long time and they are so sweet and beautiful together and I can't wait to keep reading about them.
I'm starting Book 2 right now.
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